Some closeups to highlight the lather holes that I mentioned in my last post:

[Image: SXSx5ri.jpg]

Time Bandit, rocket, Marhos24 and 1 others like this post
I had a very nice head and face shave with the ++ plate today. Based on one shave with the + plate and one with the ++ plate, I think I prefer the ++ plate. I still had to do a bit of cleanup on my head after my usual passes were complete, but this razor is so smooth and comfortable that I felt like I could buff all day without cutting or irritating myself. The combination of a small blade gap and a large guard span made it a little tough for me to get into smaller areas (like right under my nostrils and in the cleft of my chin), but it was still manageable. And I'm definitely not complaining about the geometry since it makes for such a damn smooth and comfortable shave. 

[Image: 4kzzBPN.jpg]

[Image: GCxvqJ2.jpg]

[Image: ADCnXeP.jpg]

[Image: kh17Zrq.jpg]

wyze0ne, Fedsbackhand, Freddiep318ti and 4 others like this post

Scentsless Shaver
Oakland, ME
Appreciate reading about your experiences, Stickshift . Very informative.

Stickshift and rocket like this post
- Eric 
Put your message in a modem, 
And throw it in the Cyber Sea
--Rush, "Virtuality"

Overloader of brushes, Overlander fanboy, Schickhead, and a GEM in the rough!
Last shave with the Vestige before shipping it off to rudyvey. I used the ++ plate with the same blade that I used for the previous two shaves with this razor. Again, I got a very comfortable head shave. It wasn't quite as close as I typically get with my usual lineup of razors, but it was still very nice.

I jinxed myself in my last post when I said that "I felt like I could buff all day without cutting or irritating myself." I did get some irritation on my face due to user error. I think my lather was a bit dry, and I definitely added more pressure than I should have in a few spots. This razor has been so smooth and comfortable that I got complacent and let my technique slip in an attempt to chase BBS. I knew from my last shave with the ++ plate that I could get a close shave with it without adding any pressure, so this was definitely foolish. 

Overall, I was really impressed with this razor, and I'm grateful to cornbread and Atelier DURDAN for the opportunity to try it out. I'd be interested to try a +++ plate with a slight bump in efficiency over the ++, but that might compromise too much of the smoothness and comfort - the characteristics that really stand out with this beautiful razor. 

[Image: T48gOe7.jpg]

Atelier DURDAN, Time Bandit, dtownvino and 6 others like this post
The razor is on its way to rudyvey

rocket likes this post
(11-14-2023, 04:46 PM)Stickshift Wrote: ...  I'd be interested to try a +++ plate with a slight bump in efficiency over the ++, but that might compromise too much of the smoothness and comfort - the characteristics that really stand out with this beautiful razor. 

I completely agree with this sentiment. I have been meaning to reach out to Augustin to see if he would consider this option.

Atelier DURDAN and Stickshift like this post
The Vestige arrived here today!! First test run tomorrow, it will be my first use of a GEM blade razor.....something total new to me. Hope it works out.....
The La Faulx pass-around on a different forum made me order one asap.

Freddiep318ti, dtownvino, Time Bandit and 3 others like this post
It took me wayyyyyy longer than it should have to realize the blade sticks out of the back like that.  I admit I haven’t read through this thread, where this question is probably answered by the various users, but how do you guys feel about it?  I’ll admit it’s taking a little while to wrap my head around.
Today was my fourth shave with the razor, second one with the + base plate, the two first ones were with the standard plate.
I am not using the ++ as the aggressiveness of the + is just the max for me (as I said somewhere else, I have babyskin...).
My overall impression of this razor is excellent!! The only limitation for this type of razor (GEM) is the limitation of the blade selection.
I used one of the blades that came with the razor, I think Personna GEM, coated. Will have a final shave tomorrow or Thanksgiving and then send the razor on to the next on the list.
However, I am not sure who is next as two have not been marked with the line through and I know both had it already.
So, please, when you are next, send me a pm with the address to ship to.

Fedsbackhand, rocket, evahs and 1 others like this post
I am next. Will send you a message with address.

cornbread and rocket like this post

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