
It's sharp and it cuts. I like it...
Northeast, USA
Well, it's not quite 3 years yet as it will be in October. And I'm only posting because of this thread that I came across that was a very interesting read until it was closed by a mod. To bad because if it weren't for a couple of gents that took the OneBlade stance whether for or against in a personal level, it would have been awesome to see their perspectives and opinions today....


It really was a good thread. Anyways, my short take on this fine razor.

I had put off on using the OneBlade razor for some time, almost a year if not more. Been shaving with it for a full week minus today as I used the GC .84 for tonight’s shave. But, prior to tonight I put in 5 great shaves with the V1 and one FHS blade. Yup, you read right. I got a full 5 shaves in before it went south for good. I’ve sampled the Core, Hybrid, V2 and I still think the OneBlade V1 is still the best of the group. It’s crazy easy to get a great shave and it does it without causing any fuss. No cuts, nics or irritation to speak of. This past week was perhaps the best shaves I’ve had with this razor. Close, comfortable and decent lasting shaves. What more can a man want out of a shave? OneBlade V1 is a great performer....

[Image: 6QBgiAR.jpg]

glassmtn, Rebus Knebus, HighSpeed and 1 others like this post
I love my Oneblade too.

But now shave with DE Razors largely. Last week I happen to grab it again after a long time and "wow", what a shave I got. Binned the blade after 5 shaves compared to 3-4 I used to get earlier from it. All were comfortable shaves and I was myself little confused on this change..

I have not used other iterations of the razor but I am so glad that those who have used place V1 above other models.

I sometimes think of selling it but then hold it back since it was my 1st high end razor.

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gone to Carolina in my mind
Happy2[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] [/font]Happy2[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] [/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] [/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] [/font]

Let me toss in another dose of OneBlade love.  I've only used the V2 Genesis.  It is by no means the most aggressive razor, but it is smooth as silk, serves up quick, close shaves, and even BBS shaves with good concentration and some clean up.  IMHO, both supporters and detractors fuss too much over the pivot.  (I'd be happy enough to have mine without the pivot.)  At least on my copy, the pivot is somewhat stiff, unlike the totally loose pivot on the few cartridges I have tried.   No disrespect is intended to cartridge shavers, just the observation that the cartridges I've tried don't listen to the shaver.  They pivot to follow the skin.  But because it is stiff, the OneBlade pivot does what you tell it to do, right or wrong.  Anyway, if you are paying attention to your angle and pressure, you won't even use the pivot.  OTOH, if you hear a little "click", it is the pivot snapping back into place and telling you to get your head back in the game.  To each his own, but I'm happy to have the "head's up" when I lose focus.

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Technique Trumps Tools
Skin Care Trumps Skin Repair

Be Cool, be Kind, and be Well
--  Mike --
My Genesis has been in my rotation since I got it. Now it is my Sunday Shave as this is the day that I just want a good brainless shave without checking my angle or adjusting my stroke because the blade is beginning to dull. I have never used a Feather FHS in my razor, always opting for a notched and despined Gem. I don't mind the extra work only because at once a week, I change blade every two months.

I read the original thread and four years later, I find some interesting observations. First of all, nobody blinks at a $300 razor any more. Secondly, OneBlade is still in business and have come out with three models depending on your price point. Thirdly, and unfortunately, there are still trolls out there that will say all kinds of bad things about a razor that they haven't even tried. Fourthly, and a good thing, DFS moderators are still very disciplined about shutting down a thread that has outlived it's useful purpose.

Hats off to a great razor, and to a great bunch of mods watching over this forum.

jags009, Rebus Knebus, GlazedBoker and 1 others like this post

Idaho Falls, Idaho
So I have watched all the One Blade stuff over the years but have never really considered becoming a user. Help me understand the options for blades. If I understand correctly I can either use the proprietary feather blade (that also fits in the Valet razor), or I can despine and clip a single edge Gem type?
(07-16-2019, 07:28 PM)Lipripper660 Wrote: So I have watched all the One Blade stuff over the years but have never really considered becoming a user. Help me understand the options for blades. If I understand correctly I can either use the proprietary feather blade (that also fits in the Valet razor), or I can despine and clip a single edge Gem type?

That is about right. I found that you can get by with just despining a Gem without notching it. Friction will hold the blade in place during your shave. Some folks have said that the blade slips out during the shave, but I suspect that these folks are using way too much pressure when they shave. the only reason I notch my blades is so that it will seat in the head. The angle is just slightly different which gives me a better shave and the blade will last a little longer.

As I mentioned in my post, entry level is now $80 for a Core. Subscribe to Sharpologist, and there will be a link to get a refurbished Hybrid for $120, which might be a better deal since it has the stainless steel head of a Genesis.

HighSpeed, GlazedBoker and Lipripper660 like this post
I've tried the Genesis V1 and I have the Core. I got good shaves from both razors, and I really liked the way they're built and the way they feel in the hand (even the Core).

While I've retained he Core because it's different from the other razors I have, I get better shaves more easily from other razors and I find that I reach for it less and less. Nothing against it.......it just doesn't quite suit my preferences. I'll probably sell the Core on to someone else one of these days.

I'm glad that I tried the OB razors though.

jags009 likes this post
- Yohann
(This post was last modified: 07-19-2019, 05:30 AM by Gopneg.)
this razor is ideal

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Seattle, WA (USA)
I recently bought a OneBlade Core for $20 and used it for 2 weeks.  I couldn't get a good shave from the FHS blade, but I got consistently good shaves from a de-spined Gem blade.  Then I almost bought a V2 Genesis off this forum, but fate stepped in and queered the deal, for which I am somewhat thankful.  

Since I intended to use it with a Gem blade, not a Feather FHS10, I put out feelers for a V1 and found one at a good price less than 20 miles away from my home.  I used it today with a Gem blade, and couldn't be more pleased.  I will probably try the FHS blade with it, but I don't have high hopes.  

The OneBlade seems to be an excellent albeit over-engineered razor, built around a frail and expensive proprietary blade.  Unintentionally, the original OneBlade razor also worked with a de-spined Gem blade.  So the greedy corporatists that own the company redesigned the razor so it wouldn't, and renamed it the Genesis.  

OneBlade has the sole USA distributorship for the Feather FHS blade, making it proprietary.  King Gillette made his fortune, not off of razors, but off of proprietary blades.  Similarly, OneBlade now sells the Core for a mere $25, but the blades are $1 a piece and good for 1 shave.  Comparably, Gem blades are less than 25¢ each, and are good for a week of shaves.  And I have revived an old thread about a razor I just bought.  Toodles.

[Image: s5p1DmD.jpg]

Dragon, HighSpeed, GlazedBoker and 1 others like this post
I've only used Genesis. It is a great razor. Pivotting head helps you to keep the proper angle without paying attetion. Its design is unique and beautiful and the finish is also great.

The problem is always the proprietary blade. It tugs and pulls my thick and coarse beard. De-spined Gem is also uselss on Genesis for me. The blade slide in the head with smiling, making the razor unusably mild.

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