
South Saint Louis, MO
BadDad Will do! I hope I have time this weekend to put together a test batch. I'll let you know if I get it done for sure. Not having a beard, I'm relying on a couple friends who have beards but who have never used beard oil before for feedback. So I'd love to get some in your hands

Marko and BadDad like this post

That Bald Guy with the Big Beard
Bishop, CA
Iuse oil daily, sometimes twice daily...Can't live without it!

hawns likes this post
-Chris~Head Shaver~

Philadelphia, PA
(11-04-2016, 10:33 PM)BadDad Wrote: Iuse oil daily, sometimes twice daily...Can't live without it!

although a balm probably wouldn't work for your beard as it's a lot longer than mine..have you tried using 1 before?

1 of the drawbacks of using an alcohol splash is I have to oil my beard after I'm done using the splash. with my balms, I can just rub it all over my face and beard and be done with it.

Marko and hawns like this post
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

That Bald Guy with the Big Beard
Bishop, CA
(This post was last modified: 11-05-2016, 03:02 AM by BadDad.)
I have a few beard balms. At this length it makes my beard feel weird...like it is being held in place with glue or something.

I use beard balms for mustache control though. They work well for me for that, but the extra hold that a beard balm provides just feels weird to me at this length...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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-Chris~Head Shaver~

Philadelphia, PA
I used my Stirling ASB today. while my beard had maybe a slight shine to it, it was nowhere near the shine I was getting with my salve.
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.
I make my own, and as winter and the beard return, I'm looking at getting some different combinations of oils. Typically, I've used - Grapeseed, Jojoba; Rice Bran, Meadowfoam; Avocado Oils with some essential oils.

I get a lot of folliculitis, though, and need to get a combination that cuts down on that. I'm planning on using some Coconut and Apricot Kernel oils in the blend next time. The itchy/irritated look and feel are no fun.

Posting Freak
(11-04-2016, 10:26 PM)hawns Wrote: BadDad Will do! I hope I have time this weekend to put together a test batch. I'll let you know if I get it done for sure. Not having a beard, I'm relying on a couple friends who have beards but who have never used beard oil before for feedback. So I'd love to get some in your hands

hawns I'd be happy to test out your beard oil. My winter beard is a month and a half old and is come in nicely, not BadDad nice but that takes a little more time.
I second the above. I'm looking to pick up a new beard oil soon and would be happy to provide feedback.

That Bald Guy with the Big Beard
Bishop, CA
OK, so...about a week ago, I got home and found an unexpected package in my mailbox. I didn't order it, I didn't ask for it, and I was not informed that it was coming. There was no "send me free product and I'll review it for you" or any of that, just a good guy looking for solid feedback.

hawns sent me a sample bottle of his beard oil, unscented, to test out. Now...first impressions, the scent in the bottle was strong and sweet...almost floral. I found out later that it was simply the natural scent of the oils he used, and no fragrance was added, which made a lot of sense, because the scent faded to obscurity almost immediately upon application.

The first thing I noticed during application was how light the oil was, which is a big bonus for me. I don't like feeling "weighed down", and with a big beard like mine, I can't stand the feeling of heavy oils weighing on the beard all day. It's awkward feeling. This oil performed fantastically in that area. Within a few minutes of application, the beard felt as though I was wearing nothing at all, which is how I prefer my beard oils to feel.

Towards the middle of the day, I noticed that my "fly aways" seemed to be much more under control than with other oils in my kit. The combination of oils and ingredients used provided a small amount of control to my beard that is very rare in an oil to begin with, let alone one that does not feel heavy on the beard. This control wasn;t like using a balm or wax to keep everything in place, it just seemed to keep the hair where it was more so than other oils. In a discussion with Shawn, he revealed that this was part of the plan through some special ingredients that I won't reveal here out of respect for his business and proprietary recipe, but which I found to provide the perfect amount of control for a long beard like mine. Fantastic stuff!

I used the oil every day for a week, with all other daily maintenance being identical to my normal routine...I wash my beard with natural, chemical-free soap 3 times a week, and rinse with hot water daily before applying the oil. There was absolutely no buildup or residue in the beard, which I was actually surprised at, considering the hold the recipe provided and some of the ingredients used. Every morning, I found it easy to rinse the beard completely clean in hot water, and re-apply fresh oil without feeling residual buildup or heaviness.

At the end of the week, this is my honest opinion:

This is the best beard oil I have thus far experienced. The control that this oil provided was second to none. I have never experienced anything like from an oil, and given the ingredients I know to be in there, I don't expect I will anytime soon, at least until this proprietary recipe for Chatillon Lux becomes part of the mainstay of beard care products. The healthy shine is perfect. Good light reflection, but none of that annoying "tinfoil beard" look that you get from many of the cheaper oils. Just good hair an skin nutrition.

I, personally, can't wait to see what kind of fragrances Chatillon Lux makes available with his beard oil. I think he has absolutely NAILED the recipe for a solid beard oil that performs above the top tier of oils available today. Nothing I have used has even come close, and I've used everything from The Bearded Bastard and Beard Brand to WSP and Black Rebel Beard Club. I've used the Dollar Beard club to Fisticuffs, Grave Before Shave to Manhood Beard Company. I have made my own oils, and used oils made by others. From $20 an ounce to $1 an ounce, I've used a wide variety of beard oils. This blend of oils that hawns has put together outperforms all of them. Easily.

When Chatillon Lux puts their beard oil to market, I encourage everyone with a beard to give them at least 1 shot. You will be happy with the performance of the oil.

With all of this being said, I simply MUST say this:

I do NOT do reviews of products in exchange for product. I do not EVER promise anyone a positive review. I do not lower my standards or my integrity for the sake of a $20 product. If I use a product and I really find the performance to be above standard, I will state it publicly, whether I paid for the product or was gifted the product. If I use a product and find the performance to be substandard, I will state it as so when asked for my opinion. I avoid negative reviews because negativity in general is bad for my psyche. I save negative reviews for the maker of the product and those people that personally ask for my opinion. It keeps me sane.

To reiterate...this is my honest opinion, 100%. There was no promise made nor was there any request from hawns for a review. He sent me the product as a surprise because that is just the kind of decent human being he is, and I provided him my feedback because he deserved it. I am providing my review of the product after using it daily for a week because the performance of this beard oil deserves to be recognized. No other reasons or ulterior motives.

Take it for what it is worth to you, but I encourage everyone with facial hair to give Chatillon Lux beard oil a fair trial when it is available...

Freddy, Marko, wyze0ne and 1 others like this post
-Chris~Head Shaver~

South Saint Louis, MO
(11-29-2016, 06:41 PM)BadDad Wrote: To reiterate...this is my honest opinion, 100%. There was no promise made nor was there any request from hawns for a review. He sent me the product as a surprise because that is just the kind of decent human being he is, and I provided him my feedback because he deserved it. I am providing my review of the product after using it daily for a week because the performance of this beard oil deserves to be recognized. No other reasons or ulterior motives.

Take it for what it is worth to you, but I encourage everyone with facial hair to give Chatillon Lux beard oil a fair trial when it is available...

I can confirm: this is the result of me having an address and you having a picture of a giant beard in your profile picture and wanting to send something unsolicited so there wouldn't be any pressure for compensation of any type. Basically I was looking for a guy who has extensive experience with beard oils and you were my huckleberry, haha.

But thanks, Chris, that's so awesome to hear. I was hoping that was the case, as I used argan oil as the base as argan-oil products help tame my somewhat unruly hair. It was this and another product tester who convinced me to go ahead and release the product on December 20 along with the next batch of Unconditional Surrender EdT. Probably just unscented and one flavor (likely Fourth & Pine since it's light, citrusy and generally unoffensive).

And for anyone curious, the ingredients are argan oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, hemp seed oil, vegetable glycerin and sodium lactate.

Overall, thanks so much for your detailed and thoughtful review. And or helping out a bare-faced brother who grew out a beard, tried out the oil, then realized I had nothing to compare it to, haha.

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