Just checking in on shaves with the Sentry. After a bit of technique adjustment, I had my best shave with the Sentry yesterday. While that shave still wasn't quite at the level of efficiency I would normally strive for (which could be a result of low runtime with this razor), it was definitely a near complete BBS outcome, with a few of my most difficult areas at DFS+. I also avoided residual feedback experienced in some previous sessions with more vigilance on pressure and not overshaving. I still suggest the razor would offer more than enough efficiency for most, with the added benefit of a relatively smooth and low aggression experience. As I wrap up my time with the razor, MountainBear and I  have been in the process of coordinating either a direct handoff or mailing of the razor.

Marhos24 and TST27 like this post
East of the Mississippi Sentry arrived in today's mail. Very much looking forward to the Saturday Morning Luxury Shave.

ALI likes this post
Looking forward to reading your thoughts...

ALI and ewk like this post
First shave

I shaved both face and dome this morning. My initial impression is that it is quite efficient, and feels nothing like the adjustable Rex Konsul. This is a very efficient two-pass razor. There is no hint of stubble 8 hours after this morning's shave on 36 hours growth. 

[Image: Ga6g6Db.jpg]

metal_shavings, Dave in KY, wyze0ne and 1 others like this post
Second Shave

Today I achieved the shave I was expecting from the Sentry. The Konsul is every bit of smoothness and efficiency that a razor can deliver, and I was expecting that same smoothness in the Sentry. The Sentry is a very high quality mild and efficient razor. This morning's face shave is a BBS in two passes with minor touchups, and very smooth and comfortable.

I did not provide any detailed impressions from the first shave because I suspected a high likelihood of discomfort due to user error. My prior experience with the Konsul razor prepared me for proper blade installation. It can be a little tricky with the slanted topcap. The proper procedure is to put the blade in the topcap, make sure the pins are protruding through the blade holes, put on topcap, then screw the handle on. I thought I was careful in my blade load, but clearly something was slightly off in the blade alignment. I was very surprised that the shave felt as aggressive and rough as an iKon Tek. Overly-confident in my blade loading skills, I did not stop to reset the blade. I achieved an efficient two-pass shave, experienced no residual irritation, but it just did not feel at all comfortable.

[Image: FrVF73J.jpg]

Stickshift and Dave in KY like this post
And the epic Eigengrau. Sounds like a great shave!

ewk likes this post
Final Thoughts on the Rex Sentry

I enjoyed my final shave with the Sentry this morning. Again, it met my expectations as being smooth like the Konsul. As Matt P. prefers Personna blades in his videos, I wanted to give the Personna a second chance. The blade worked well this time. No irritation, smooth shave.

Aside from the care required when loading the blade, my only other observation is that the threading seems coarse when connecting the handle and top plate. Otherwise, the Sentry is a well-made razor bearing the stylistic design themes that characterize Rex Supply Co. (knurling, handle shape, head shape and lines all look like members of the Rex family).

I greatly appreciate the opportunity to experience a razor I cannot afford. It is cleaned, boxed, and ready to go out for delivery to metal_shavings 

Thank you andrewjs18 and Razor Emporium 

[Image: dBIxn7o.jpg]

metal_shavings, Dave in KY, andrewjs18 and 4 others like this post

Mike Distress
New Jersey
I received the razor yesterday from ewk. It worked out perfectly as I had my usual 48 hours gross today. First off, the packaging is nice and sturdy as well. For those who are interested is worth noting that not only is the razor made in the USA the box is also printed in the USA. Out of the box the razor is sharp looking, it has a nice feel at a little bit of heft to it which I like. *Now, onto the shave.....

     The razor heated up nicely and I have to say within the first couple strokes I noticed it is an incredibly smooth razor, almost the definition of smooth, yet it is very efficient. It also produces some nice feedback which I enjoy. He did a fantastic job of removing 48 hours of growth on the first pass, and it did a good job under my nose except for right in the middle. I have no idea why, but I struggled in that spot. I had a little bit of trouble kind of finding the angle to kind of shave with I think. It removed most of the growth, but just a couple subsequent strokes to get rid of a little bit of a patch there I couldn't seem to kind of find the feel of the blade to finish removing it. That could just be my unfamiliarity with the razor.

     My second pass I generally do against the grain at a little bit of light buffing at the end. Even on the against the grain path I found it to be very comfortable and quite smooth. After two passes, with the grain and against the grain, I had a very, very close shave. After some light buffing, if I'm not BBS, I'm just a hair over the border. I didn't want to push too much harder and end up with irritation. This was a completely nick free, irritation free shave.

     So far, my first impressions are that it is a very well-made, sharp looking razor. I think it is very smooth, not at all overly aggressive yet it is very efficient and can get the job done. I am going to try it again tomorrow and see how it works as a daily driver. Not something I generally do, I'm typically a 48 hours or sometimes unfortunately more kind of guy. But for those who do use a razor everyday.com curious to see how this would perform. I'm feeling like there should be no problem with this razor as a daily driver. It's efficient, yet not overly aggressive so I don't think it will be too much to use every day.

[Image: 6PHjueH.jpg]

ewk, Stickshift, Marhos24 and 1 others like this post
integritas pietas fortitudinem

Mike Distress
New Jersey
(This post was last modified: 12-25-2023, 11:00 PM by metal_shavings.)
I did a shave with the Sentry yesterday with 24 hours of growth to test it out as a daily driver. While shaving every day is not necessary for me, I know it can be for a lot of people so I was looking to give it a try and see what my results were. I definitely think it shouldn't be an issue to use every day. Obviously, this can certainly depend on your growth and your skin type, but I think it will work for most. It is definitely very smooth and mild enough, yet it is quite efficient as with only 24 hours growth, I was able to achieve a BBS shave with just two passes and some buffing. No nicks, no irritation, no discomfort. Just a smooth, comfortable shave.


     It is definitely a very nice, solid well-built razor. It delivers a very comfortable and super smooth shave without sacrificing efficiency. And, just a note, I did read that is basically the Rex Konsul adjustable set on number four. That puts it at slightly above the halfway mark for the Konsul. Now, the big question. Is it worth the $189? That is really for the buyer to decide, but I do think so. If you're looking for a US made, top quality slant razor, this is definitely it. I don't think it's priced outrageously for what it is. It lies in between the slightly cheaper Yates and Karve SB razors and the Timeless and Blackbird SB razors pricewise. However, it is closer to the Timeless and Blackbirds by a tiny margin. The razor is also available in a polished version, gold plated, rhodium plated, and their prospector edition. Below is a link so you can check out the razor and all the options along with pricing. I hope my results were helpful to some of you, and I was happy to take part in this. Happy2

TST27 likes this post
integritas pietas fortitudinem

Philadelphia, PA
Pass around list, so far. If one finishes faster than the other, we'll send the other razor to the larger list.

East Coast:
andrewjs18 (Pennsylvania)
ALI (Connecticut)
ewk (South Carolina)
metal_shavings (New Jersey)
wyze0ne (Michigan)
Stickshift (Illinois)
andrewjs18 (Pennsylvania)

West Coast:
rocket (Colorado)
MountainBear (Colorado)
Einar (Wisconsin)
Marhos24 (Michigan)
Lbkindy (Indiana)
TST27 (California)
andrewjs18 (Pennsylvania)

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