
That Bald Guy with the Big Beard
Bishop, CA
Excellent! Added to the list!
-Chris~Head Shaver~

That Bald Guy with the Big Beard
Bishop, CA
Bump...Nobody wants to try a shavette? Huh
-Chris~Head Shaver~

That Bald Guy with the Big Beard
Bishop, CA
Alright...One last bump. I want to send this out on Monday.
-Chris~Head Shaver~

That Bald Guy with the Big Beard
Bishop, CA
OK, folks. I have been sick all week, and never got around to getting an address for the first participant, so I am inclined to let it ride out the rest of the week, and get this thing shipped out over the weekend. wyze0ne , please PM your mailing address so that I can get this heading your way Saturday morning.

Anyone on the fence, please jump in. These gentlemen will each have the gear for a week, so there is time to get on the list and get in on the passaround...

Polishaver likes this post
-Chris~Head Shaver~
Merry Christmas, Chris! Just wanted to let you know that wyze0ne sent the box out on Friday, should be here on Wed. Thanks again! Happy2

wyze0ne and BadDad like this post
Jeff -L.O.S.E.R.

I would like to thank Chris for offering to do this passaround. It was a fun experience! Although I did get a few nicks and some irritation the first few times I used the shavette, it didn't take me long to figure it out. The only part that was difficult to do is around the chin. I always finished up with a safety razor in that area. A cool thing I discovered with the shavette is that you really get a good feel for the properties of whatever blade you're using as it's just the blade. There is no head/baseplate geometry to change those properties. All 3 blades I used are quite good for me; the Gillette 7 O'Clock greens provided with the passaround, Astra SPs and Polsilver Super Iridiums. The Gillette blades were a nice surprise as I had never used them before. I found them work really well in my DE razors too. As for the soap, we all know the performance of B&M to be superb, Latha included. The scent of this one is not for me though. I could barely detect any sandalwood or amber. It's there, just way in the background. The currant scent is the way dominant note here and to me it smells like cherry kool-aid or something along those lines. I know some probably enjoy it, but overly fruity scents are not my bag.

HoosierShave, BadDad and Freddy like this post
- Jeff

That Bald Guy with the Big Beard
Bishop, CA
wyze0ne , thanks for participating and giving us your thoughts. I'm glad you enjoyed your time with the razor.

I absolutely agree with you on the soap scent. It is a good scent, in my opinion, but the sandalwood is very subtle, and the amber is all but hidden behind the currant...more of an idea than an actual part of the scent. I do enjoy it in a cold shave on a hot day, however...

Freddy, wyze0ne, Polishaver and 1 others like this post
-Chris~Head Shaver~
The ibis has landed, and I have to agree that the soap does smell like cherry kool-aid Big Grin

Freddy, BadDad and wyze0ne like this post
Jeff -L.O.S.E.R.

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